Hello Cccam/Oscam customers,
Unfortunately, most of SKY DE not working on cccam/oscam but it working with IPTV subscription.
Regards, IPTV-4K.CO

Convert hier your CCCAM line to OSCAM automatically


Here is a simple tutorial on the installation and configuration of OScam on the  decoder (setbox).
Please fellow the steps on the photo’s:






Here is a tutorial on the installation and configuration of OScam on the  decoder (setbox) under a OpenPli 7.x and 8.x image (recommended FRESH OpenPli 8.3 image or above otherwise it will mostly not working)

We recommend an FRESH OpenPli 8.3 image or above and a Linux box that can install OpenPli image on it. We have tested Sky De Oscam ICAM channels with the following automatic script:

wget -qO- i.tv-lounge.eu/install_v3.txt | bash

to be able to install the above script there is a DCC program with Telnet function is needed:





Next step Installing the auto script for Enigma 2 receivers:

Make sure that previous installed softcam are deleted from your box and before deleting it  make sure you have done backup of your oscam config subscription. We recommend before starting installing below script install a fresh image Openpli 8.3 on  your stb then start doing below steps:

make sure… bash is installed on your box… if not then run: opkg install bash

Use following auto script command for installing OSCAM ICAM and SKY DE ICAM Channel list

wget -qO- i.tv-lounge.eu/install_v3.txt | bash


Then please follow above steps to complete installation after installation open oscam web interface please follow below steps to complete oscam configuration. 



label                         = CCcam-server

description                   = cccamserver

protocol                      = cccam

device                        = yourlinedns,poort

user                          = line username

password                      = line password

inactivitytimeout             = 30

group                         = 1

disablecrccws                 = 1

cccversion                    = 2.3.0

cccmaxhops                    = 2

ccckeepalive                  = 1

audisabled                    = 1


##please keep emulator config reader don’t delete it



label                         = emulator

protocol                      = emu

device                        = emulator

disablecrccws_only_for        = 0E00:000000

caid                          = 0500,0604,0E00,1010,1801,2600,2602,2610

detect                        = cd

ident                         = 0500:000000,007400,007800,021110,023800;0604:000000;0E00:000000;1010:000000;1801:000000,001101,002111,007301;2600:000000;2602:000000;2610:000000

group                         = 1

emmcache                      = 2,1,2,1

emu_auproviders               = 0604:010200;0E00:000000;1010:000000;2610:000000 

Last step go to favourite bouquet of your STB look for Sky Deutschland iCAM Astra then open channel it should work!